Muiwatmnej Etuaptmumk Conference

BY: Tiffany Shum

Our participation in the Muiwatmnej Etuaptmumk Conference was a deeply gratifying experience, giving us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the sheer diversity of Mi’kmaq  projects and perspectives in the region. The experience was both enlightening and enjoyable!

The Muiwatmnej Etuaptmumk Conference was a three-day event that addressed both Indigenous and Canadian standpoints. Led by a combination of Mi’kmaq elders and knowledge keepers alongside industry and academic researchers, it included themes of fostering the spirit of reconciliation and the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The underlying thread of all the discussions was how Two-Eyed Seeing can bridge the gap between Indigenous knowledge and modern science. Cultural performances also embodied this fusion, with the incredible dance of Sarah Prosper woven with Allan Syliboy and the Thundermakers spoken word and amazing music by both Jeremy Dutcher and Morgan Toney.

Conferences such as Muiwatmnej Etuaptmumk support our ongoing Indigenous relations commitment to listen and learn about the unique and diverse territories in which we operate. We are already looking forward to next year’s conference and raise our hands in appreciation to all the organizers!

 To learn more about Paper Excellence policy and program, visit our Indigenous Peoples page.

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Indigenous Relations Policy

Indigenous Relation Program

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