June Kicks off Pride Season!

Group of people celebrating the pride month on a pride event

June is Pride Month, kicking off a season of global celebration for the progress made to de-stigmatize and gain rights for members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. It’s also an opportunity to broaden social and political understanding and raise awareness of issues.

The catalyst for June as Pride Month was the 1969 police raid of the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in New York City. Protests against repeated social discrimination lasted for days. On the one-year anniversary of the event in 1970, thousands of people marched in America’s first gay pride parade, chanting “Say it loud, gay is proud.”

Flagging diversity and inclusivity

In 1978, the rainbow flag was born when Harvey Milk, the first openly homosexual American politician spurred artist, activist and publicly gay military veteran Gilbert Baker to create a symbol for the community. The first rainbow LGBTQ flag was born with eight colors each representing a meaning from Sex and Life to Serenity and Spirit. Over the years, colors got added to include different groups who form part of the diverse spectrum.

Today, the six band flag with the rainbow’s red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet colors is recognized the world over and evokes not only gender and sexual diversity, but the aspiration for harmony and peace that is synonymous with inclusivity.

At Resolute, our attitudes and interactions can reflect the respect and openness that inspire a progressive workplace. Let’s continue to welcome diversity and proudly say yes to opportunities for inclusivity and growth.

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