Domtar’s EarthChoice Ambassadors Lead a Week of Earth Day Activities

Ashdown Mill EarthChoice Ambassadors hosted a seedling giveaway - employees are pictured with Earth Week banners and a blue tablecloth-covered table with additional info sheets.

It’s Earth Day — and Earth Week — at Domtar. Across our network, our EarthChoice Ambassadors are celebrating with colleagues, local students and their communities.

EarthChoice Ambassadors are teams of Domtar employees who make time in their busy workdays to volunteer to make the world a better place. Each group is led by a committed EarthChoice Ambassador Captain, who coordinates and organizes for the team.

“I’m proud to see our employees embracing Domtar’s sustainability goals so wholeheartedly,” says Jennifer Johnson, vice president of corporate communications for the Paper Excellence Group, Domtar’s parent company. “Big change starts with small changes, and these events will make a difference in those communities.”

This year, EarthChoice Ambassadors have planned a variety of events that are meaningful ways to celebrate Earth Day and to make a difference in their communities. Here’s just a sample of the events taking place across Domtar’s sites:

Teaching Young Minds

  • Volunteers from our Nekoosa Mill are reading books to 20 preschoolers at Chahk Ha Chee Head Start and then planting seeds with the children and talking to them about how plants take root and grow. Each child will take home a book and potted seeds.
  • Ambassadors from our Hawesville Mill are working with local schools to have students take part in an Earth Day poster contest. The winning posters will be displayed at our Earth Fun Walk where the local community walks on a local trail network that Domtar helps to maintain.
  • Plymouth Mill volunteers are hosting an Earth Week forestry education event for students at Jamesville Elementary School, where students will learn about the paper-making process and receive pine tree seedlings.

EarthChoice Ambassadors Take Care of Green Spaces

  • Johnsonburg, Marlboro and Kingsport mill colleagues are taking part in a variety of cleanup efforts in their communities.
  • Volunteers from our Addison Converting Center are hosting Breakfast & Learn and Lunch & Learn events for employees with a speaker from DuPage Forest Preserve, an organization dedicated to habitat restoration and species recovery.
  • Fort Mill employees will take a hike and learn more about our partner, Anne Springs Close Greenway.

Reducing, Reusing, Recycling

  • Several locations are promoting recycling to our employees by encouraging them to bring in electronics, eyeglasses and other items to be properly recycled or reused.
  • Windsor Mill employees will have the opportunity to buy carbon offsets based on how many kilometers they drove to work on April 22 to compensate for GHG emissions caused commutes.
  • The Montreal office is hosting a virtual conference “J’aime ma poubelle mais je la quitte,” a webinar on living a zero waste lifestyle, with a guest speaker from the Earth Day organization. The conference is open to all Paper Excellence Group employees in Quebec, including legacy Resolute Forest Products employees.

Domtar’s EarthChoice Ambassadors work year-round by volunteering in their communities and leading by example. But Earth Day is their time to shine as they collectively work to make the Earth a better place. Thanks to all our employees who take part in these events — this week and all year long.

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