Style Guide
Domtar Styles
Image Sizes
- Featured content boxes: 800×800 at 72dpi (will be cropped left/right to adjust to amount of corresponding copy)
- Top level hero images (page curl): 2700×1400 at 72dpi
- Sub-page hero images: 2560×1600 at 72dpi
- Paper insights library images: 2520×880 at 72dpi
Domtar Inspiration Styles
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 4
Heading 5
Body Copy
Image Sizes
- Gallery images: 1470×1060 at 72dpi (other sizes can be added but will be automatically cropped to fit within the photo gallery)
- Blog images: 2560×1340 at 72dpi
- Magazine images: 744×1000 at 72dpi for featured image and 1470×1060 at 72dpi for other images in photo gallery (other sizes can be added but will be automatically cropped to fit within the photo gallery)
- Collateral images: 1470×828 at 72dpi (other sizes can be added but will be automatically cropped to fit within the photo gallery)