Resolute and Greenpeace Parties Announce the Conclusion of Long-Running Litigations - More information

Alternative Book

Domtar offers a full complement of brightness, basis weights, and caliper levels depending on your book publishing needs.

ResoluteSelect 75

The ResoluteSelect product line offers higher brightness than standard newsprint for a wide range of commercial printing needs such as inserts, circulars, commercial publishing or printing.

Alternative Offset

Alternative Offset is an uncoated mechanical paper designed for book publishing, financial printing, annual reports, direct mail, inserts, healthcare directories and more. Provides excellent bulk and opacity at lighter weights.

Alternative Opaque

Alternative Opaque is an uncoated mechanical paper designed for book publishing, financial printing, annual reports, direct mail, inserts, healthcare directories and more. Provides excellent bulk and opacity at lighter weights.

Equal Offset

Equal Offset is an uncoated mechanical paper that is ecoconcious and economical. Equal Offset offers excellent caliper and opacity. It is ideal book publishing, direct mail, financial printing, inserts, instruction manuals, forms, booklets and other web print applications that require an uncoated sheet.

Ecopaque Offset

Ecopaque Offset™ is a superbrite uncoated mechanical paper that is ecoconscious and economical. Ideal for book publishing, direct mail, financial printing, inserts, instruction manuals, workbooks and other web print applications that require an uncoated sheet.