New P+PB recycling campaign tells consumers to ‘Go Papertarian’


From choosing paper products to practicing proper recycling, the paper industry wants people to know that their everyday choices have an impact on our forests and the environment.

That’s why the Paper & Packaging Board (P+PB) launched a new integrated campaign that calls on consumers to live a papertarian lifestyle. The ads shine a positive light on the industry by telling its sustainability story – getting consumers to think about their choices before they buy packaged products and how they will dispose of the packaging when they’re done with it.

As employees in the forest sector, we are the original papertarians. Our industry creates the paper products consumers rely on and embraces the qualities of what the campaign defines as uniquely papertarian. Specifically, a papertarian commits to using plant-based paper and packaging products to help them learn, be more productive, and protect the things they care about. 

The new ads feature comedian Donna Meagle (NBC’s Good Girls, Parks and Recreation and HGTV’s Ugliest House in America) as Retta, the first official papertarian.

In the informative and humorous ads, Retta is seen at work, home and even the grocery store pointing out the sustainable virtues of paper products and packaging all the while educating those around her about the proper ways to recycle. 

The new campaign shows that the paper industry is committed to sustainable forestry and that it firmly believes in its contributions. 

In the U.S., paper companies work with private forest landowners to grow and maintain forests at a rate nearly double the volume needed to make the paper, packaging and boxes consumers rely on every day. The key message of the campaign is simply that by choosing paper, a consumer is helping to support the growth of our forests. And by recycling, we are all making the most of our natural resources.

If you work in the forest industry, you’ll want to tell everyone you know about being a papertarian. You can watch the ads here. Join the movement. Go Papertarian!

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