Community Life at Resolute: Q1-2023 Highlights

BY: domtarcom

Resolute is focused on building mutually beneficial relationships in the communities in which we live and work. We demonstrate this commitment through transparency, information-sharing and active involvement in community life.

Paying it forward while ensuring workplace safety

Through the company’s safety award program, operations that achieve a significant number of consecutive hours without a recordable injury receive monetary rewards to donate to charitable and community organizations selected by employees. In Q1, our Outardes (Quebec) sawmill employees reached 1.25 million hours injury-free, earning C$15,000, which they donated to three deserving organizations, including Homme aide Manicouagan, a charity that supports men in distress, Unité Domrémy
de Baie-Comeau, a local community center providing food accessibility and support groups; and La Vallée des Roseaux, a palliative care home.

Building the forest sector’s workforce

Our local teams are actively engaged in activities that help attract and retain new talent. Employees from the Forest Products Mauricie (Quebec) sawmill and Dolbeau (Quebec) paper mill met with local business leaders and municipal officials to discuss the integration of foreign workers into their respective workforces. The Atikokan (Ontario) sawmill received positive media coverage following an interview with TB News Watch on over 40 new hires from Ukraine. The Ontario woodlands team also promoted employment opportunities at a job fair hosted by Mishkeegogamang First Nation. 

Inspiring the next generation 

Connecting directly with students, our Gatineau (Quebec) newsprint mill donated C$6,000 to Forces AVENIR, an organization promoting community youth engagement and providing scholarships and grants to students. The Saint-Félicien (Quebec) pulp mill proactively recruited interns through the Cégep de Jonquière career fair.

Engaging in healthy competition

Sports and fundraising go hand in hand in our communities. The Menominee (Michigan) pulp mill sponsored the Da Yooper Plunge, a sporting event that supports organizations such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Employees from our Saguenay−Lac-Saint-Jean (Quebec) operations raised over C$13,000 for young people living with cancer by taking part in the Double Challenge of the Two Marios, a fundraiser involving a 32-kilometer (20-mile) trek across frozen Lake Saint-Jean. 

Giving back to our operating communities

During the first quarter, a number of Resolute employees dedicated their time to serve and support their communities. A team from the Larouche (Quebec) engineered wood products facility volunteered on the board of a local suicide prevention center, while in Dolbeau, employees marked International Women’s Day by donating comfort boxes to a women’s shelter. Additionally, Grenada (Mississippi) paper mill employees packed personal hygiene bags for women at a local church and partnered with a food bank to distribute essential items to families in need.

Promoting local conservation

Our employees value the forest for both work and recreation. A team from our Calhoun (Tennessee) tissue mill met with Hiwassee River Blueway and Trout Unlimited to discuss areas of collaboration on freshwater conservation, tourism and recreation around the Hiwassee River. In Thunder Bay, several Ontario woodlands employees attended an announcement at Lakehead University by the provincial Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding funding for research, monitoring, protection and habitat restoration for the boreal woodland caribou.

To learn about Resolute’s commitment to our operating communities, check out The Resolute Blog as well as the Community Involvement section of the corporate website.

Thank you to our employees for recognizing the value of community support and engagement!

  1. Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean (Quebec) operations employees take up Double Challenge of the Two Marios. From l. to r.: Mario Bilodeau, cofounder of Double Challenge of the Two Marios; Janic Gaudreault, manager, Talent Acquisition ‒ Quebec; Yan Munger, Mistassini sawmill; Pierre Tremblay, Alma paper mill; and Mario Cantin, cofounder of Double Challenge of the Two Marios.
  2. Provincial ministers and OFIA president visit Resolute’s Ontario woodlands operations. From l. to r.: Ian Dunn, president, Ontario Forest Industries Association; Jamie Arthurs, coordinator, Operations – Ontario Woodlands; Graydon Smith, Ontario Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry; David Piccini, Ontario Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks; and Tom Ratz, manager, Forestry – Ontario Woodlands.
  3. Forest Products Mauricie (Quebec) sawmill employees present checks to La Source, Jeunesse en santé Haut-Saint-Maurice and Refuge Masko. 
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