Community Investment Signals Domtar’s Commitment to Sustainability

community investment and engagement are priorities for our journey toward 2030
BY: Courtney St. Onge

Sustainability at Domtar is not only about natural resources. Investing in our communities and supporting our neighbors is equally important in our sustainability journey. That’s why we’ve included significant community investment as part of our sustainability agenda for 2030.

“We are proud of our record on environmental sustainability,” says Paige Goff, Domtar’s vice president for sustainability, “but we recognize that sustainability encompasses the well-being of the people around us too. Our community investments are aimed at improving literacy, sustainability, and health and wellness in the areas where we operate and our colleagues live.”

Beginning this year, diversity and inclusion will be a priority as we evaluate community investment opportunities and requests.

Community Investment Goals

In the next several years, Domtar aims to advance our community investment with two new goals, as well as the continuation of our $1K Your Way program.

  1. By 2030, we’ll double the number of volunteer hours per employee that we invest in Domtar-sponsored events in communities across our operations. In the past, these have included stream and park cleanups, book and school supply giveaways and seedling distributions.
  2. We’ll contribute about US$3 million each year from our corporate community investment budget to eligible programs in local communities across our operations. These investments will focus on our three pillars of giving: literacy and education, sustainability, and health and wellness. Diversity and inclusion will be considered across all three pillars.

Time and money are key to our community investments, and we recognize that many employees lead efforts outside the company that enhance life in their communities. The company supports that work as well, through our $1k Your Way initiative.

Each year, employees may apply for a $1,000 grant to assist a nonprofit organization in their area. Most often, this grant supports projects that involve an employee’s participation as well. Fifty grants will be available each year.

“We’re honored to see the many ways colleagues contribute to the life of their hometowns and to join them in this work,” Goff says. “This aligns so well with our value of caring and our desire to be a good neighbor in all of the communities where we operate.”

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