Sanford Tissue Operations Donates Safety Award Money to Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels
BY: domtarcom

Resolute Tissue Sanford Operations presented a $2500 donation to Seminole County Friends of Abused Children. This charity has a mission to promote and assist in efforts to provide for the needs of abused and neglected children and former neglected children between ages 18 and 21 in Seminole County, FL, as well as promoting their rehabilitation. This charity annually aids over 600 children by offering necessities like clothing, shoes, and even luggage (as many children move from placement to placement with their belongings in trash bags.) Other assistance comes in the form of tutoring, summer camp, and funds for post-secondary education. (From left to right: Pierre Altema – Tissue Machine Backtender; SK Sharma – Tissue Mill Manager; Susan Tallis – Guardian Ad Litem Child Advocate Manager; Todd Fisher – HR & EHS Manager; Faith Shorthouse – Friends of Abused Children Treasurer; Donna Dearman — Friends of Abused Children Board Member; Alberto Caquias – Tissue Mill Assistant Superintendent)

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