Resolute Tissue’s Calhoun Operations Supports Local Community

Supports Local Community
BY: domtarcom

Congratulations to our Calhoun Operations for achieving 500,000 safe work hours in February! And for supporting and enhancing the local community. The Calhoun team donated the $10,000 Board of Directors Safety Award to Relay for Life of Bradley County to benefit the American Cancer Society.

The check was presented to Relay for Life at a luncheon held at the Calhoun mill on April 3.

Attendees in the check presentation photo are (L-R) Chris Minor (Tissue Machine Superintendent), David Moses (Facilities & Utilities Manager), Joel Finnell (Safety & Environmental Manager), Jamey Taylor (IBEW Local 175), Angela Mathis (Relay for Life), Jason Bostic (USW Local 899), Dewayne Belew (Relay for Life), Ace Bishop (USW Local 790), Derrick Lindgren (Mill Manager), Duke Cumbelich (HR Manager), Richard Vergara (Converting Manager), Terry Vinson (Maintenance & Engineering Manager), Scott Palmer (Retired General Manager/Relay for Life Volunteer), and Richard Tremblay (Senior Vice President).

The Relay for Life Carnival and Family Festival was held on Saturday, April 29, in downtown Cleveland. Resolute had a booth, and employee volunteers sold bath tissue and paper towels donated by the Calhoun mill. Two employees brought their teenage sons to help buyers take the tissue to their cars. Resolute gave the single largest donation of $10,000 and then donated almost $3,000 in product sales. The event raised over $160,000 and far exceeded the goal of $115,000. GO TEAM CALHOUN!

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