For Immediate Release:
[Richmond, BC] – Paper Excellence Canada today announced it has once again been voted one of Canada’s 2022 Best 50 corporate citizens by Corporate Knights.* Paper Excellence Canada is a diversified manufacturer of pulp and paper, including printing and writing, packaging, and specialty papers.
The Best 50 award is judged using key performance indicators that relate to the organization’s raw resource use, emissions profile, social performance, safety performance, and percentage of revenue from clean sources.
“We continue to be proud of our long association with Corporate Knights and their Best 50 program. Our sustainability report, Forward Focused: 2022 Sustainability Report, was just published last week and I encourage anyone interested in Paper Excellence Canada to read it,” said Graham Kissack, Vice President, Environment, Health & Safety and Corporate Communications.
In 2022, Paper Excellence achieved a 67% reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions relative to 1990 while using an energy basket made up of 82% renewables. 34% of the organization’s solid waste is beneficially reused or recycled while 35% of its electricity comes from self-generated green power.
Paper Excellence’s products are certified to numerous independent sustainable forestry standards including the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).
Further information on the Corporate Knights Best 50 Award winners for 2023 can be found here: These 50 Canadian corporate citizens are a cut above | Corporate Knights
Paper Excellence, headquartered in British Columbia, is a diversified manufacturer of pulp and specialty, printing, writing, and packaging papers that owns 10 facilities in Canada producing over 2.5 million tonnes annually with a workforce of more than 2,100. Paper Excellence is pleased to work in partnership with communities where we operate as a major employer of choice and market leader.
Media Contact: Graham Kissack, Vice President, Environment, Health & Safety and Corporate Communications | | Mobile: 250-732-7991
*This is the sixteenth time that the company has achieved the Best 50 award with Corporate Knights. (Prior to 2020, awards were presented to Catalyst Paper which is now wholly owned by Paper Excellence.) For more details on the history of our Corporate Knights Best 50 awards, please read past news releases here:
- Corporate Knights, June 2022: Paper Excellence Once Again Amongst Corporate Knights Best 50 Corporate Citizens
- Corporate Knights, June 2021: Paper Excellence Announces Corporate Knights Best 50 Win
- Corporate Knights, June 2020: Paper Excellence Announces Corporate Knights Best 50 Win for Catalyst

Graham Kissack, Vice President, EH&S and Corporate Communications (left) accepting Paper Excellence Canada’s award from Toby Heaps, CEO, Corporate Knights.