Celebrating National Forest Week at Meadow Lake

BY: Brenda Martin

The Explore Forestry event in Meadow Lake, SK kicked off National Forest Week with a bang last Sunday, September 17.

The Meadow Lake community came out to check out the forestry equipment and demonstrations, in support of the Canadian Institute of Forestry’s Log-A-Load-for-Kids BBQ fundraiser, and take part in bouncy castles, face painting, the Farmer’s Market and more! Kids even made paper from the mill’s pulp!

This was a joint event with the Canadian Institute of Forestry, supporting companies, and post-secondary institutions. Thanks for everyone who came out to celebrate National Forest Week and learn more about this sustainable industry that provides opportunity for so many families in northern Saskatchewan.

Looking for ways to take part? The Canadian Institute of Forestry has put together an excellent toolbox of ways to participate in National Forest Week.

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