Meet Sasha Irving, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Northern Pulp

BY: Brenda Martin

How did you come to work at Paper Excellence?
As a consultant I was doing work with the forestry sector in Nova Scotia including some work with Northern Pulp when the job opportunity presented itself. I’m thrilled to have taken on this new role in Nova Scotia.

What drew you to sustainability work and why do you like it?
I’ve been working with the Nova Scotia forestry sector for a while and understand the important role the sector plays in the province and in particular our rural economies. I appreciate the critical importance of a central pulp mill to a healthy sustainable forestry sector in this province and the role of sustainability to a healthy province. Anything I can do to contribute to sustainability feels meaningful to me.

Why do you like your job and what are you responsible for?
I oversee communications and government relations for Paper Excellence in Nova Scotia. I love my job because it provides me with the opportunity to continue to work in the sector and work with fantastic smart people throughout the country. I truly believe that at this point in time there is no greater challenge in Nova Scotia than the transformation of the Northern Pulp mill and I was really excited to join the team that will transform it into one of the cleanest mills in North America.

What challenges do you face in your work because you’re a woman?
I’ve always worked in male dominated sectors which has meant learning to navigate and build a career on those terms. There are challenges with any job but I think they can be overcome with hard work. While things today are not perfect, I do feel like the barriers for women have lessened over time and the best thing any of us can do is help each other to succeed.

What would you tell girls who are thinking about a career similar to yours?
I would simply say do it! I came into my first role in communications with an interest but not a lot of experience. I learned as I went, I sought out women who could help me succeed and I took risks. There is no absolute right or wrong answer in this business but if you work hard, build on your experience, and trust your gut you will find success.

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