Domtar, Landowners Partner with PRINTING United Expo to Plant Trees

Domtar program will plant trees in partnership with landowners and PRINTING United Expo
BY: Lauren.Hultz

Domtar has partnered with PRINTING United Alliance to plant trees as a result of a special sustainability program for PRINTING United Expo 2023. For each registrant at the PRINTING United Expo, Domtar will plant two trees in coordination with local landowners. The event is being held Oct. 18-20 in Atlanta. The seedlings will be planted in early 2024.

Participants will have a lasting effect on forestlands just by registering for the event.. If participation stays on pace with 2022, tens of thousands of seedlings will be planted in partnership with small forest landowners who work with Domtar to manage their forests responsibly.

“We’re delighted to collaborate with PRINTING United Alliance on this initiative, to highlight sustainable forestry and our ongoing efforts to support responsible stewardship of forestlands,” says Paige Goff, vice president of sustainability for Domtar.

Mark J. Subers, president of PRINTING United Expo, says, “As the printing and packaging industry, with great partners such as Domtar, we can take actionable steps to not only ensure we are following best practices, but to also be proactive. I’m thrilled that the team at Domtar is collaborating with the Alliance to drive this initiative forward.”

The Expo brings together leading media and associations representing market segments across printing and the graphic arts to showcase the latest solutions, technology, trends and education. PRINTING United Alliance is the most comprehensive member-based printing and graphic arts association in North America.

Participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about Domtar’s broader sustainability initiatives and how printing plays a part in supporting healthy forests.

Here’s a sneak peek at the partnership among PRINTING United Alliance, Domtar and small landowners:

Learn More about Sustainability in the Paper Industry

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