Domtar Joins Keep US Posted, Continues Advocacy for Postal Service

Domtar has joined Keep US Posted to advocate for reliable, affordable postal service. Image: Man reaching into mailbox for stack of mail.
BY: Courtney St. Onge

Domtar continues to champion reliable, affordable mail service for all U.S. residents. We are proud to partner with Keep US Posted in advocacy efforts to strengthen the U.S. Postal Service and ensure strong service throughout the country without excessive postal rate hikes.

Keep US Posted is an alliance consisting of consumer interests, industry groups, newspapers, nonprofits and businesses. The group is working to engage Americans to call for postal policy that preserves essential services, effectively and efficiently.

Advocates are immediately concerned about planned postal rate hikes, particularly in light of the financial relief the Postal Service received in the recently passed postal service reform legislation.

Executive director Kevin Yoder, a former congressman from Kansas, worked on postal issues during four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“It is destructive for Postal Service leadership to squeeze every last drop of revenue from the mail at the expense of the American people,” says Yoder. “In just a decade, Americans could be paying well over $1 to mail a single letter. Using the mail will become unaffordable for American families, as well as newspapers, nonprofits, and businesses that depend on the Postal Service.”

“These excessive postage increases will decrease volume and revenue so much that it will ultimately hurt the Postal Service’s 650,000 workers and their ability to keep delivering for our country. Projected mail decline will become a self-fulfilling prophecy,” he adds.

“The planned stamp hikes fly in the face of Congress, whose bipartisan postal reform law provided $57 billion in reduced USPS liabilities specifically intended to prevent excessive postage hikes. Louis DeJoy says he’s running the Postal Service like a business, but it’s not. The Postal Service is just that — a public service. It’s the only courier able to serve the country’s 163 million delivery points in more than 41,000 zip codes.”

Domtar and Keep US Posted support alternatives to current and future efforts to slow the mail and postal rate hikes.

The U.S. House Committee on Appropriations has directed the Postal Regulatory Commission, which governs the U.S. Postal Service, to study the impact of planned postage increases.

As a result of that action, the PRC is inviting stakeholders to weigh in on the issue until July 31, 2022. We encourage our readers to submit their comments via email at You can also mail a letter addressed to:

Postal Regulatory Commission
901 New York Ave. NW, Ste. 200
Washington, DC 20268

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