CCAB events focus on partnerships, belonging and humanity

BY: Brenda Martin

Paper Excellence was excited to attend the CCAB’s 39th West Coast Business Forum yesterday, after sponsoring the incredibly empowering and uplifting Indigenous Women in Leadership conference on Wednesday.

After attending many business conferences over the years, it was refreshing and inspiring to see many of the conversations focusing in on the importance of partnership, belonging, humanity, and even love, while we walk down this path of reconciliation together.

Thank you to the CCAB and all of the amazing speakers for another fantastic event!

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
CCAB builds bridges between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, businesses, and communities through diverse programming, providing tools, training, network building, major business awards, and national events. Learn more about CCAB.
Paper Excellence Canada is a CCAB member and participates in CCAB’s Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) program. Learn more about our Indigenous Relations program.

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