Resolute and Greenpeace Parties Announce the Conclusion of Long-Running Litigations - More information

Sanford Mill

The Domtar tissue mill in Sanford, FL, has the capability of producing a wide range of bath and towel for at-home and away-from-home markets, and is one of the few fully integrated tissue manufacturers in North America. The two tissue facilities in Florida have a combined annual production capacity of 62,000 short tons (56,000 metric tons) across three tissue machines and eight converting lines and offer virgin and recycled products in a range of grades.

Hialeah Mill

The Domtar tissue mill in Hialeah, FL, has the capability of producing a wide range of bath and towel for at-home and away-from-home markets, and is one of the few fully integrated tissue manufacturers in North America. The two tissue facilities in Florida have a combined annual production capacity of 62,000 short tons (56,000 metric tons) across three tissue machines and eight converting lines, and offer virgin and recycled products in a range of grades.

Calhoun Mill

Domtar’s Calhoun mill, established in 1954, produces towel and tissue products for customers that include some of the country’s largest retailers. Through the addition of the tissue operation at Calhoun, and in conjunction with additional tissue manufacturing and converting facilities in Florida and Maryland, Resolute is building a competitive integrated tissue business serving the North American market. In 2018, the mill added a new $20 million distribution center to the operation.