Resolute and Greenpeace Parties Announce the Conclusion of Long-Running Litigations - More information

Industrial Papers

Strong Papers for Tough Jobs

At Domtar we engineer hard-working papers to meet the demanding needs of our customers. Our expert paper makers and sales representatives have developed products with excellent strength properties to withstand the toughest applications and converting processes.

We manufacture base stocks for abrasives, tapes, ream wrap and more that exceed industry standards, translating into reliable and efficient processing for our customers.



  • Good strength properties
  • Grease resistance available
  • Various finishes for different applications
  • Various sizing levels
  • Excellent formation

Contact for more details or to request samples.

    Ideal for

    • Abrasives
    • Paint masking
    • Tape and gumming base
    • Fire retardant paper
    • Decorative lamination papers
    • Saturating Kraft
    • Ream wrap base
    • Drywall end and joint tape