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Forestry and Fiber

As a manufacturer of wood fiber-based products, Domtar is committed to the long-term sustainability of North American forests.


Forestry and Fiber

As a manufacturer of wood fiber-based products, Domtar is committed to the long-term sustainability of North American forests.


Our Future Is Rooted in the Forest

We source wood responsibly, using the highest certification standards.  We collaborate with leading environmental groups to improve our performance and help generate funding for conservation programs around the world. We are especially proud of our work with small landowners to expand the use of sustainable forestry practices.

of fiber needswere met with certified wood in 2020
1 %
of fiber needswere met with certified wood in 2020
1 %

We procured 19 percent of total fiber from FSC-certified sources. In Ontario, we have recertified the Wabigoon Forest Tenure to the new FSC Canadian Forest Management standard and are on track to certify the Trout Lake Forest Tenure to the same standard in 2022.

The Steward

Learn more about the integral role small landowners play in responsible forest management by hearing from one of Domtar’s wood fiber suppliers.

The Steward

Learn more about the integral role small landowners play in responsible forest management by hearing from one of Domtar’s wood fiber suppliers.

Our Certifications

We offer products that are certified to independent, third-party standards to provide our customers an additional level of assurance of the responsible way our products are made.

Our Collaborations

We collaborate with a variety of organizations to advance our sustainability efforts.

List of Domtar Forests


  • Beauce: 60,000 hectares (freehold)
  • Eastern township: 100,000 hectares (freehold)
  • Crown License:  5,000,000 hectares
Visit Mirador, Domtar’s Forest Management Plans Online mapping service which shows the plans that are currently in effect for most of Domtar’s private forests in Estrie and Beauce (Québec). You will find:
  • An abstract of the Five-Year Plan shows the activities planned for a five-year period
  • Maps of hunting and fishing clubs of the area, with the Yearly plan of the territory


  • Espanola: 4,792 hectares (freehold)
  • Trout Lake: 1,026,410 hectares (Crown license)
  • Wabigoon: 726,779 hectares (Crown license)

List of Domtar Forests

  • Beauce: 60,000 hectares (freehold)
  • Eastern township: 100,000 hectares (freehold)
  • Crown License:  5,000,000 hectares

Visit Mirador, Domtar’s Forest Management Plans Online mapping service which shows the plans that are currently in effect for most of Domtar’s private forests in Estrie and Beauce (Québec). You will find:

  • An abstract of the Five-Year Plan shows the activities planned for a five-year period
  • Maps of hunting and fishing clubs of the area, with the Yearly plan of the territory
  • Espanola: 4,792 hectares (freehold)
  • Trout Lake: 1,026,410 hectares (Crown license)
  • Wabigoon: 726,779 hectares (Crown license)

Timber Regulation Compliance

Domtar's products are fully compliant with both the U.S. Lacey Act and EU Timber Regulation 995/2010.