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Quigley Simpson Business Cards Redesign

Design Agency

Quigley Simpson


130 lb. Super Smooth Cover



Tasked with finding a paper that would make an amazing first impression when handing out the newly redesigned agency business cards, I wanted to make sure that my agency made the right choice. While Quigley Simpson’s previous business cards were printed on a plastic stock, our founder wanted to move to a more sustainable recyclable paper in response to concerns about recycling and their carbon footprint on the environment. I knew our agency would be using this paper and design for many years to come, so not only did I want the final product to be 100% perfect, I wanted to be 110% perfect. I pulled many different mills of paper and we ran samples on different weight. In the end, I pulled over 25 paper stocks for this project because I wanted to make sure they chose the perfect paper and I am happy to report that the designer and myself agreed that the 130 lb. Cougar Smooth Cover was the perfect choice. It was a beautiful bright white color to start off with and a perfect place to lay down our new design. the 130 lb. weight gave it a nice feel when handing out, not like the usual “flimsy” cards you tend to get. Overall, the look and feel of this stock was elegant, professional and clean…everything that we wanted our potential clients to see in us. — Mai Nguyen, on her decision to use Cougar paper.

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