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DesignThinkers Toronto Program

Design Agency



100 lb. Cover, Super Smooth and 100 lb. Text, Smooth



The design industry is full of thinkers and creatives who push the boundaries of imagination and are supported by an ecosystem of knowledge and experience. RGD’s DesignThinkers, Canada’s largest annual graphic design conference, has been a part of that support system for 23 years and seen the changes in the communication design industry that occurred during that time. DesignThinkers explores the innovations and disruptions that inform, inspire and influence design and encourages attendees to consider their impact and re-imagine design’s role in our evolving world. This year, they created an accompanying piece that matches their intention to take on the ordinary, the extraordinary and defy expectations. From its bold red and black color scheme to its smooth textures, the piece is a perfect example of how designers can unite their potential with the right paper and create something that not only stands as a work of art, but also functions without sacrificing quality or creativity.


Paper: 100 lb. Cougar Cover, Super Smooth Finish; 100 lb. Cougar Text, Smooth Finish

Printer: Flash Reproductions

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