Making your printed piece stand out—getting the targeted readership to pick up and engage with your work—is a perennial goal of print designers. One post-press technique that stands the test of time in producing this desired outcome is embossing. From an elegant single-level blind emboss, to a sculptured emboss created to enhance a four-color design or anything in between, an emboss or deboss is a versatile and timeless technique that, if planned and executed properly, can add greater impact to your design.
This guide book, conveniently available as a digital download or as a printed piece, walks the reader through the seven considerations designers need to begin their next embossing project with confidence. From the various types of embossing dies, to paper selection, to communicating with your printer—The Embossing Guide considers many important factors to insure the emboss on your next printed piece delivers maximum impact. The printed version also features samples of single-level, multi-level and sculptured embosses, so the differences can be experienced first-hand.