Located in northwestern Saskatchewan, Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp has a longstanding relationship with the community and local First Nations. Commissioned in 1992, Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp’s purchase by Paper Excellence in 2007 marked Paper Excellence’s entry into the Canadian pulp and paper Market. The Meadow Lake Mill is a leading producer of high quality Bleached Chemi Thermal Mechanical Pulp (BCTMP). This pulp is used by customers primarily in Asia to make a wide variety of products from tissue and paper towels to food and board packaging.
Crofton Mill
Crofton Mill is located on Vancouver Island, in the Cowichan Valley near Duncan, and plays an important role in the cultural, social and economic health of this community. Commissioned in 1957, Crofton Mill today has two paper machines and two pulp lines. Committed to environmental sustainability, Crofton Mill derives 84% of its energy from renewable sources, with a 64% reduction in greenhouse gases since 1990.
Outaouais Operations
In1926, C.I.P. (Canadian International Paper Company) built the Gatineau newsprint mill on the Ottawa River and the Gatineau River in Quebec. From then on, thousands of workers flocked to the mill, and many of them settled nearby. In 1933, their settlement became the village of Gatineau, which became the City of Gatineau in 1946. In 2012, it celebrated the 10th anniversary of the amalgamation of the cities of Aylmer, Buckingham, Hull, Masson-Angers and Gatineau, and of the Communauté urbaine de l’Outaouais. Even though the Gatineau paper mill has changed its name several times during its history, it restarted its operations in 2013 as part of Resolute Forest Products. It now employs 124 people and, in addition to newsprint, produces 15 MWh of electricity from cogeneration, which it sells to Hydro-Québec. In this way, it generates additional revenue, reduces its production costs and enhances its competitiveness. The Maniwaki sawmill, located in the Outaouais region, employs more than 120 people. Its output is destined for the overseas export market and the North American market.
After being called “Nairne Falls” by farmers and settlers arriving in the 1800s, the city of Clermont was founded thanks to the efforts of Father Félix-Antoine Savard in 1935. A first mechanical pulp factory was built by Rodolphe Forget in 1910. However, the Clermont newsprint factory as we know it today was built by the Timothy brothers and Charles Donohue around 1927. Resolute has been the sole owner of the Clermont factory since the acquisition, in 2018, of the remaining 49% stake held by The New York Times Company for a consideration of $20 million. The factory now employs 157 people. From 2010 to 2020, investments of nearly $10 million were made to improve the economic and environmental performance of the factory Clermont: steam recovery from waste refiners and conversion of certain sectors with electric heating, in addition to repair work major parts of the Malbaie River dam.The Château-Richer installation, also located in the region of Capitale-Nationale, employs around a hundred people in the sector of the secondary processing of lumber. It produces in particular bed frame components. The raw material used comes from Resolute sawmills in Lac-Saint-Jean and surrounding areas, Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Mauricie.
Domtar’s activities in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean include some 18 facilities as well as forestry operations. In 2020, Domtar announced significant investments in the region, including the construction of a commercial facility specializing in the production of cellulose filaments, a new sustainable biomaterial derived from wood fibre, at its Kénogami paper mill in Quebec, as well as the optimization of the mill, at a total cost of $38 million. The start-up phase of the facility was launched in November 2022 and the inauguration took place in April 2023. In the spring of 2022, Domtar announced the acquisition of Louisiana-Pacific’s 50% interest in two joint ventures in the region that produce I-joists. In doing so, Domtar has solidified its presence in the attractive and growing engineered wood products segment with familiar assets and more than 175 skilled and dedicated employees. Our hydroelectric production and transmission network, HydroSaguenay, helps supply our Alma and Kénogami paper mills. In 2022, the seven plants produced more than 1,079 GWh of electricity.
Port Alberni Mill
Located at the head of picturesque Alberni Inlet on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Port Alberni Mill is the single largest employer in the community. Commissioned in 1946, Port Alberni was the first British Columbia mill to integrate residuals from sawmills. Committed to environmental sustainability, Port Alberni Mill derives 89% of its energy from renewable sources with an 81% reduction in greenhouse gases since 1990. The Domtar Port Alberni Mill is a leading producer of telephone directory, lightweight coated, and specialty papers for publishers, commercial printers and converters throughout North America, South America and Asia.
Grenada Mill
Domtar’s Grenada (Mississippi) mill operates one of the most modern, high-speed and efficient newsprint machines in North America. The mill produces a high-quality, cost-competitive product sold to newspaper publishers across the Southeastern United States, Mexico and Latin America. Proximity to ports along the Gulf of Mexico provides cost-effective access to international markets. The mill, which was built in 1989, is considered one of region’s preferred employers and has been recognized on several occasions by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for its work to improve energy efficiency.
Windsor Mill
Located in the Eastern Townships Region of Quebec, Canada, Domtar’s Windsor Mill is the last fully integrated fine paper mill in Canada. The mill manages 400,000 acres of forest lands surrounding the mill. Originally built by Angus, Logan & Co. in 1864, the mill now produces bleached hardwood wet-lap market pulp and uncoated freesheet paper, including high-brightness opaques, multi-purpose digital papers, copy paper, laser forms, bond, envelope and recycled content. The mill is known for its innovative approach to sustainability. It leases the use of its forestlands for hunting, fishing and hiking clubs, as well as for maple syrup production.
Rothschild Mill
Originally opened in 1909, Domtar’s Rothschild, Wisconsin, mill is home to industry-leading, high-quality commercial printing paper brands Cougar® and Lynx®. The mill’s fiber line boasts a unique partnership for lignin byproduct manufacturing and biomass energy cogeneration, as well as its own sustainability platform with 100 percent of the steam needed to power the mill generated from renewable resources.
Nekoosa Mill
Established in 1883 and named after the Native American word for “swift running water,” Nekoosa is a small residential community located on the Wisconsin River. There, Domtar’s fully integrated specialty paper mill has the capability of generating 100 percent of its electricity to produce a variety of publishing, specialty and security papers, as well as many functional coating base stocks such as thermal, point-of-sale receipt, carbonless, labels, poly base, repositional notepad and saturating.
Marlboro Mill
Located in Bennettsville, South Carolina, and opened in 1990, Domtar’s Marlboro Mill is one of North America’s newest paper manufacturing facilities. The mill produces pulp and paper for a wide range of products including copy paper, tablet paper, receipt paper and lottery-ticket paper. As the last greenfield mill built in the U.S., the facility generates enough green power to supply renewable energy to 30,000 homes in South Carolina.
Espanola Mill
Originally founded in the early 1900s by the Spanish River Pulp & Paper Company, the Espanola Mill was acquired by Domtar in 1998. The mill produces more than 200 different grades of technical and specialty papers, as well as high quality Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft pulp, on the banks of northern Ontario’s Spanish River.
Ashdown Mill
Since its opening in 1968, Domtar’s Ashdown Mill has steadily grown in size to become one of the largest fluff pulp production facilities in the world. In 2016, Domtar made its largest ever capital investment, converting one of the paper machines at the southwest Arkansas-based Ashdown Mill to produce premium fluff pulp. This investment positioned Domtar as a world leader in the fluff-pulp market, which is increasingly important in the production of baby diapers, adult incontinence and absorbent hygiene products.
Hawesville Mill
Domtar’s integrated pulp and paper mill in Hawesville, Kentucky, produces fine specialty paper. The mill opened in 1967 and became part of Domtar 40 years later. A distinctive focus for the mill is hardwood market pulp, but you’ll see more than wood on the mill’s property. Nearly one third of the mill’s 2,000 acres is leased to farmers growing corn, hay and wheat.
Johnsonburg Mill
Recognized as one of the most technologically advanced paper mills in the world, Domtar’s Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania, mill boasts a long and rich history of papermaking since its operations began in 1888. Located near the Allegheny National Forest on the headwaters of the Clarion River, the mill manufactures uncoated freesheet papers used by customers to create brochures, direct mail, stationery, checks, envelopes and hardbound books.